About Us

Youthspark Pan Africa is an SDG-focused non-profit organization.


Building a network of changemakers and emerging leaders promoting impactful leadership and enterprise development through capacity building, mentoring and entrepreneurship programs.


A world of youth empowered to contribute to societal development and nation-building.


The organizational structure of Youthspark Pan Africa consists of a Board of Trustees numbering about 7 reputable individuals across various disciplines

The organization’s management team is made up of the Executive Director, a Program Manager, an M&E Officer, Finance & Admin Manager, Project Coordinators for each thematic focus area and volunteers. We currently have volunteer represented across 15 countries in Africa.

We have our corporate Head Office in Lagos-Nigeria and Nairobi, Kenya.

Why Choose Us

Vision driven

We are constantly making decision and taking actions based on the future and goals we have set for ourselves


We are obsessed with doing the right thing, take responsibility and take pride in what we do.


We are open to sharing and listening to each other for improved team success.


We are committed to finding better ways to provide better solutions to ravaging socio-economic problems through young people.


We recognize and celebrate the power of a group and support each other to achieve set objectives.


We are committed to exceeding expectations and being the best.

Thematic Areas

Leadership: We are committed to training young people as change agents as well as becoming role models to champion change in their communities. We foster youth leadership through innovative Youth Exchange Leadership Programs.

Youthspark Summer Leadership Bootcamp: is an intensive academic and leadership enrichment program designed for African secondary school. The project creates a platform which engages and builds the leadership capacity of secondary school functionaries as agents of positive transformation and champions of attitudinal change among their peers.

Youthspark Global Leadership Bootcamp: This is a annual program that is targeted at providing top-level entrepreneur, thought leaders and business owners with competitive edge in their various industries through knowledge sharing, experiences gathering, business networking and access to global opportunities.

Entrepreneurship: We provide access strategic knowledge, opportunities, and growth platforms for entrepreneurs, working professionals, business owners, entrepreneurs, and African thought leaders who want to lead, connect to grow their influence and increase profitability.

Kigali, Rwanda

Youthspark Conference: The Youthspark Pan-African Conference is a annual Pan-African youth capacity-building programme designed to equip African young leaders with valuable leadership skills and develop cutting-edge skills on transforming their ideas into profitable ventures. 100 visionary, innovative and development driven youths are selected from across African countries and given the opportunity of dialoguing, sharing ideas and strategies that can deliver accelerated problem solving opportunities in the Africa space

Strategic Leadership & Entrepreneurship Conference: The SLEC is a project that focuses on the remodeling the concept & impact of leadership and entrepreneurship in the market place. It seeks to re-educate and equip leaders with strategies and tools to foster and partnerships and collaboration for high impact, optimal productivity and maximum profitability.

The program also explore innovations around digital transformation and leadership development across Africa. It has been launched in Rwanda and set to be launched in Zimbabwe in October, 2021

FGM Projects: With a population of over 23 million populace, there is the need to increase the EndFGM sensitization and awareness campaign in Lagos state to strengthen the knowledge of the populace about the overall harmful effect of the practice of female genital mutilation.

The campaign to end FGM in Nigeria has been a very intensive activity and has been able massively engage various stakeholders across various communities. The fact still remains that the practice being deeply rooted in the belief and culture of people will not end immediately.


It is no doubt that organizations like the Global Media Campaign to EndFGM are greatly committed to the total elimination of this practice and therefor the success of this campaign. Therefore, there is the need to strengthen the campaign through increase media campaign to constantly reiterate the need to put an end to the practice by the practicing communities and their members across Nigeria.

Due to Rural-Urban migration, most people who engage in the practice are now majorly found in the cities like Lagos State where they hide under the crowded population to performing the cutting.

Since 2015, Global Media Campaign to EndFGM has funded Youthspark Pan Africa to carry out various activities aimed at eliminating female genital mutilation using various media strategies as a tool for mindset and behavior change.

We have worked in over 15 communities and also trained community members as FGM champions in Ebonyi, Cross River and Lagos States of Nigeria. We have also been featured across various top media houses in Nigeria including; TVC Africa, Plus TV Africa, EBBC Salt TV, Superscreen TV and also radio houses like Radio Nigeria, Abakaliki and Crown FM, Warri.

SDGs (3, 4, 5, 8 & 17):

As a global community, we are working with change-makers and young leaders across Africa to create more awareness about the United Nations sustainable development goals and it affect the overall wellbeing of the youth who make up to an estimated 60% of the population. We also work to support them with tools, resources & networks to achieve their goals in line with the SDGs. Our focus is on Quality Education, Health & Well-being, Decent Work & Economic Growth and Partnerships i.e. SDGs 3, 4, 5, 8 & 17 respectively.



We create opportunity that support skills building for youth and also promote economic growth at across all sectors of development. Mentoring helps us to keep track with progress of our work as well as ensure sustainability of our projects with young people.


We are privilege to engage with committed volunteers from diverse backgrounds, different professions and unique culture who are working together to achieve common goals in order to make Africa a more desirable and prosperous place to be.

